Thursday, October 05, 2006

"DO IT."

-- click on images to enlarge --

"The final frontier may be human relationships, one person to another." -- Buzz Aldrin, Astronaut


Anonymous erica said...


That is so awesome you have made a blog out of this...I was in your Jackie Clarke Level 2 improv class at UCB (back at the old offices before they bought the new training center on 30th Street) pretty much a year ago, and I had no idea you had this amazing background as an actor, educator, and artist. I actually spent a semester studying at the Neighborhood Playhouse in college around 2004 or so, and it's so incredibly moving and fascinating to read these notes you took after learning from The Man (Sanford Meisner) himself!

Anyway, talk to you soon,

5:00 PM  
Blogger José Angel Santana, Ph.D. said...

Greetings very funny lady Erica!!

Yes, like I say at the beginning of the blog, I have volumes of notebooks about my time studying at The Playhouse, and with Mr. Meisner. So, well, thanks for the kind words. That’s really cool of you to say.

Given your time at The Playhouse, you might enjoy UCB classes with Kevin Mullaney, who teaches “long-form” from a Meisner perspective. Perhaps you’ve already done that. I didn’t really “get” - “long-form” until working with Kevin, but then again . . . don’t know that I will ever really “get” it, perhaps in another lifetime.

From what I can see in the rest of just this one journal, I’m somewhat astounded at how useful the teaching is certainly for actors, but for improvisors of all strips, as well. And, significantly, even quite useful for learning to live one’s life a bit more authentically, spontaneously, and empathically.

Posting these pages is like going thru my study all over again, for, kind of like, the first time. Very strange, it’s not like sitting here reading them, but bloging them gives them another kind of “life.”

It is very helpful to hear that others find value in them.

Great hearing from you. Thanks much for your encouragement and great vibe.


5:49 PM  

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